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Plant Based Eating Course - One to One




1-2 hour - One to One Sessions LIVE

About the Course

  1. This course is a basic course - how and what to eat as a vegetarian.

  2. The basic understanding of the benefits of plant based eating.

  3. Menu options in eating delicious vegetarian meals that are satisfying.

  4. Understanding why to eat a vegetarian diet.

  5. The vegetarian diet course is not complicated or time consuming.

  6. You will understand how to meal plan.

  7. Stocking your pantry with essentials

  8. Easy substituting options for a plant based foods that all can enjoy.

  9. Making plant based foods that will be tasty, satisfying and not boring.

  10. What vegetables, nuts, legumes and mix well together with what spices

This course will be enjoyed by vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike. Simple and easy plant based lessons.

Weekly 1-2 hours for 5 weeks. You will have the plan and understanding to eating and make health memorable meals.

Private instructions ONE TO ONE

- ZOOM sessions

- On your schedule.

Your Instructor

Kelly Parker

Kelly Parker

Hi I am Kelly, I am a vegetarian instructor. It is a delight to see those you who are interested in a plant- based diet or getting interested in a vegetarian lifestyle.

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